Enterophilus (High Potency Probiotc)

High potency strains of bacteria essential for the proper functioning of the large intestine. Viable intestinal flora is instrumental in supporting the immune system, and preventing premature aging, neurological disorders, bleeding and bruising, vitamin B-12 dependent anemia, and malnutrition-related hair loss. Each vegetarian capsule contains 5 billion multi-strain probiotic blend.

Ageless Enterophilus supplement (from the enteron, pertaining to the intestines, and philous—liking) provides bacteria essential for the normal functioning of the large intestine affected by dysbacteriosis or by the deficiency of essential intestinal bacteria.
Eliminating dysbacteriosis means “infecting,” or, as a microbiologist might say, reinoculating the large intestine with synergistic bacterial strains. In practical terms, it means that you need to take a quality bacterial supplement, such as Enterophilus, which was explicitly designed for this purpose.
60 Servings Per Container | Serving size: 1 vegetarian capsule |
Amount Per Serving | % Daily value |
Proprietary probiotic blend (5 billion CFU† | * |
Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14) | * |
Bifidobacterium lactis (Bl-03) | * |
Bifidobacterium bifidum (BI-02) | * |
Bifidobacterium longum (Bl-05) | * |
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr-32) | * |
Lactobacillus plantarum (Lg-115) | * |
Lactobacillus salivarius (Ls-33) | * |
Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Lb-87) | * |
Prebiotic Blend FOS (fructooligosaccharides) Larch Arabinogalactan (FiberAid®)**) |
60 mg |
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Cellulose, vegetarian capsule (modified cellulose, water), silica, magnesium stearate and calcium silicate. Our probiotic strains are stabilized using a patented poly matrix system (patent # 6,653,062) that provides 5 billion CFU† through expiration date when stored at room temperature. Each Bio-Enhanced, Acid Resistant Strain (BEARS) has been specifically designed to survive stomach acid secretions during digestion eliminating the need for enteric coating. †Colony Forming Units * Daily Value not established **FiberAid® and logo are Lonza Trademarks. |
SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, adults take one (1) vegetarian capsule daily during meals or, as directed by a health care professional. | |
STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct light. Keep out of reach of children. |
The probiotic cultures in Enterophilus are grown on a neutral maltodextrin base. The microorganisms are harvested and freeze-dried when they are at their maximum concentration. Low moisture content provides for extended shelf life even at room temperatures and inhibits the settlement of pathogenic microorganisms.
Enterophilus is free of preservatives and common allergens, including gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, bovine colostrum (particularly dangerous, may cause anaphylaxis [allergic shock] in humans), etc.
The unusual-sounding names in the Supplement Facts table above refer to bacterial strains (monocultures), which were isolated and bred in biolabs, harvested in biofarms, freeze-dried in very expensive vacuum sublimators, and packaged into capsules and bottles in clean, cold rooms using dedicated packaging equipment—something akin to microprocessor's fab.
The numbers of bacteria per dose appear impressive but are pretty meaningless. That's because tens of billions of sublimated (freeze-dried) bacteria will fit into the tiniest capsule or on the tip of a teaspoon. So don't bother counting them as a measure of a supplement's effectiveness. They don't work by count but by quality.
I was having severe bouts with diverticulosis about every 3 months. I have had none since using your products. I now use the Ageless Enterophilus daily and feel great. I also have benefited greatly from the book Fiber Menace!M.H. (via survey)
FOS and Larch Arabinogalactan are substances that provide starter feed for these bacteria—just like fertilizer for plants. Other supplements may include inulin, pectin, or psyllium. However, in their tiny amounts (60 mg) per capsule, these soluble fibers are harmless.
There are no known side effects associated with high-quality intestinal flora. However, lesser brands may be allergenic, not necessarily from bacteria, but additives, such as colostrum, inulin, preservatives, etc.
Keep in mind that neither antibiotics nor chemotherapy agents, nor radiation can distinguish between harmful bacteria or cancer cells and good bacteria, all single-cell organisms. So the good bacteria get wiped out along with the intended target. And they won't be coming back any time soon unless you ingest some of these bacterial supplements!
Most supplemental bacteria (not Enterophilus, it is made in the USA) come from commercial suppliers of bacterial cultures—mainly European—whose primary focus is not human supplements but livestock-feed additives to treat dysbacteriosis in farm animals. Because of overcrowding, these animals routinely receive antibiotics to fight respiratory infections. Hence the need to get treated with bacteria.
Ironically, profit-wise, farmers take better livestock care than most people take of themselves or their kids. Doubly ironic is that veterinarians routinely prescribe probiotics to pigs, goats, and cows, while most medical doctors steadfastly deny their role in human health and disease.
Because bacterial supplements contain limited number of strains, it‘s a good idea to rotate them with other quality brands from reputable manufacturers.
Finally, take a remedial course of intestinal flora after a bout with diarrhea, significant food poisoning, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation, and similar damaging factors to the living cells.
(An in-depth overview of dysbacteriosis is available here.)
Indications for restoring bacterial flora with a high-grade probiotic formula
Eneterophilus is recommended in combination with Colorectal Recovery Kit for the following functional disorders and conditions:
Dysbacteriosis (dysbiosis). Small, hard, pebble-like stools; the complete absence of gases; diarrhea-like stools; problems with blood coagulation; hair, nails, and skin disorders; low immunity, and most other conditions listed in the right column are the signs of impaired intestinal flora. Use Enterophilus to normalize stools and promote the bacterial population [background].
Idiopathic diarrhea. In the case of diarrhea, idiopathic means there are no inflammatory conditions in the bowel or upper digestive tract. Because bacteria are essential to form and bind stools, acute dysbacteriosis is a primary cause of idiopathic diarrhea. This condition is common after antibiotic treatment and may quickly turn into inflammatory bowel disease.
The advice to use dietary fiber to form stools only intensifies diarrhea because soluble fiber blocks the absorption of fluids all along the GI tract. Proper diet is essential to arrest diarrhea, prevent dehydration, promote colon ecology, and form normal stools. Full recovery is attainable in one month or less if this condition is treated earlier (i.e., before the inflammation)
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). The firm pressure of a distended small and large bowel on a hypersensitive uterus during the menstrual period is the primary cause of pain and discomfort. Hence, the approach to functional PMS (no other damage) should always start from eliminating the causes of intestinal distention — primarily, large stools, bloating, and mild inflammation — conditions typical for IBS.
Assuming both issues are functional, full recovery is attainable in several weeks before a period. Proper maintenance is essential to prevent relapse during consecutive periods.
A pronounced emotional reaction (i.e., irritability) to periods in women who do not experience PMS is rare. It is more likely a response to extended pain and discomfort than to hormonal swings or uterus metamorphosis, specific to menstruation. While I was growing up in the pre-antibiotic and pre-fiber era, PMS was virtually unheard of. Today it‘s omnipresent.
Post-colonoscopy recovery. Just like surgery, regular and virtual colonoscopies require a thorough colon lavage with synthetic laxatives and, in the case of a routine colonoscopy, an anesthetic. For this reason, many patients experience difficulties in restarting regular bowel movements after a colonoscopy and experience other significant side effects related to disrupted colon ecology. Enterophilus promotes intestinal flora growth, normalizes stools, and may prevent long-term side effects and related complications.
Post-antibiotic recovery. Most penicillin-style antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial drugs are also known as broad-spectrum antibiotics. It means that they destroy not just the intended cause of the infection but also all other bacteria that happens to be around, including the unlucky bugs in your gut. And that's how most cases of IBS and IBDs start.
Post-chemo- and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy and, to a lesser extent, radiotherapy wipe out intestinal bacteria (single-cell organisms) with the same vigor that they decimate cancer cells. Both procedures wreak havoc with the rest of the digestive system and may cause a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and profuse diarrhea.
The combination of all these factors commonly results in severe constipation, further diminishing the quality of life and the effectiveness of cancer treatment. To make matters worse, oncologists and patients follow truly murderous advice to: “eat high fiber foods, and try to drink at least 3000 ml of fluid each day.” [American Cancer Society]
Why murderous? Well, because (a) Fiber commonly causes colon obstruction — on the one hand, patients are too weak to move their bowels; on the other — there are no bacteria left to reduce the fiber's volume through fermentation. (b) Fiber and water in high volume may cause or intensify nausea and vomiting. (c) Soluble fiber is likely to intensify diarrhea. (d) Large water volumes will contribute to peripheral edema, lymphedema, kidney and bladder damage, and congestive heart failure, all common side effects of chemotherapy
GI-Recovery, the Hydro-CM program, and Enterophilus can be safely used to enhance intestinal flora and promote regular and unassisted (by fiber or laxatives) defecation.
Coincidentally, these supplements speed up the healing of the mucosal membrane (stomach and intestinal lining), strengthen the immune system, reduce the chance of developing other side effects, improve the quality of life, and may speed up overall recovery from the side effects of standard cancer treatments.
Heavy metal poisoning, mercury amalgams. All these factors damage intestinal microflora. Indications and outcomes are similar to post-antibiotic recovery.
Yeast infection (candidiasis, thrush). Intestinal bacteria are omnipresent Candida fungus at safe levels (prevent overgrowth). When any of the above causes damage to bacteria, the resulting fungal infection (mycosis) is commonly referred to as “yeast infection.”
Along with low-carbs, a low-fiber diet (to exclude carbohydrates that feed and sustain yeast infection), Enterophilus helps promote bacterial balance to control Candida proliferation. Keep in mind that a proper diet is vital, and you may need to use appropriately prescribed antifungal medications as well.
Poor immunity. Intestinal bacteria play a vital role in the primary immune system response to infections, known as phagocytosis. The damage to intestinal bacteria by all of the above means disrupts phagocytosis and makes you more vulnerable to common diseases and allergies.
Hair loss (non-hereditary), eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis. These three conditions in children and adults are commonly associated with biotin (vitamin H or B7) deficiency. Intestinal flora biosynthesis is the primary source of endogenous (made by the body) biotin. Its biosynthesis is easily disrupted by all of the factors that damage intestinal flora.
A biotin deficiency is also associated with diabetes. Enterophilus gradually promotes intestinal flora and adequate biotin synthesis. The supplements included in Morning and Evening Packs also provide supplemental biotin.
Blood disorders, easy bruising, and hard-to-stop bleedings. Intestinal flora synthesizes vitamin K, which is responsible for blood coagulation. Vitamin K deficiency may lead to a broad range of blood disorders, characterized by hard-to-stop bleedings and easy bruising.
Inadequate coagulation is particularly dangerous in cases of internal bleedings, such as peptic ulcer, microscopic, hemorrhagic stroke, or trauma from a fall, car accident, hard blow, etc. These hard-to-detect internal conditions may cause death from the precipitous but otherwise invisible blood loss.
Using Enterophilus may gradually promote vitamin K synthesis and improve blood coagulation by providing supplemental probiotics. Please note that Morning and Evening Packs DO NOT provide supplemental vitamin K, so that people who are taking anti-coagulation medication (such as aspirin or warfarin) may take them as well. A bacterial metabolism (with or without probiotics) is already accounted for by the makers of these drugs, so this shouldn't be a concern for you or your physician. Remember — you are taking these medicines to prevent blood clots caused by poor circulation, not to cause deadly bleeding.
Nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting), fecal incontinence, involuntary flatus. If your anal tone is normal (i.e., there are no apparent physical causes, tested with anorectal manometry). In that case, these conditions may be contributed to by the undue pressure of large stools and gases on the rectum, bladder, and urethra. You may find quick relief by using Enterophilus to normalize stools and eliminate these causes.
How to take Enterophilus
The rules are reasonable, based on the “nature of the beasts” and common sense:
Take probiotic formulas in the morning, on an empty stomach, so they are exposed to the least amount of acidity and enzymes in the stomach and upper intestines. You can take Enterophilus with the Hydro-CM program.
Don't take bacterial supplements while taking antibiotics because the latter will kill them anyway, and they may render antibiotics somewhat less efficient against their intended target.
If you are experiencing significant flatulence while consuming little or no fiber, it‘s time to stop taking supplemental flora because you already have plenty.
Supplemental bacteria require minor quantities of prebiotics to survive the trip and procreate inside the large intestine. If you are on a very low-carb diet for medical or weight-loss reasons, take a small serving of FOS or apple pectin daily. Enterophilus already have a minor amount of FOS added, so you don't need to add more.
To prevent choking, don‘t give capsules to children. Use a powder formula instead, or open the capsule and pour its contents into a lukewarm beverage (not hot, heat will kill bacteria). Shake well, and serve it to your child, who should have an empty stomach.
Supplemental probiotics are the most accessible, inexpensive, and easiest form of oral bacterial therapy. You can take these supplements continuously, periodically, or on an as-needed basis, relying on your observations of stools and other symptoms of dysbacteriosis as described here and in my book.
If you are healthy, taking quality probiotics may counteract the impact of environmental pollution on your digestive organs and immune system. It is the next best option to living and working on a small organic farm, surrounded by pristine meadows, virgin springs, and free-range livestock.
Q. How long do I have to take intestinal flora?
Q. I take intestinal flora regularly but still struggle with constipation.
Q. Do you recommend liquid probiotic formulas that can be found in health stores?
Q. How long do I have to take intestinal flora?
The content of your toilet bowl will tell you. If your stools are light, fluffy, small, and moist without fiber in your diet, you‘re okay flora-wise. I also recommend rotating various brands of probiotics for optimal effect.
You should always take probiotics after any treatment that may damage the intestinal flora, such as a course of antibiotics, laxatives, chemo-, radio-, and retroviral therapy, severe food poisoning, diarrhea, and similar circumstances.
Some brands of probiotics (not Enterophilus), especially liquid formulas, may cause severe bloating. You should always exercise caution when trying out a new brand. Keep in mind that it takes from a few days to a few weeks for intestinal flora to take hold.
Q. I take intestinal flora regularly but still struggle with constipation.
If you are taking certain common medicines, or if you already have some form of colorectal damage, such as hemorrhoids or nerve damage, then bacterial supplements will not eliminate those underlying causes of chronic constipation—even if your stools become picture-perfect in all other respects.
You may also suffer from delayed stomach emptying (gastroparesis), so your bacteria never reach the large intestine alive. That‘s because they can't bypass the stomach's acidity and enzymes, even when taken in the morning on presumably an empty stomach.
In this case, you‘ll need to use the safest possible method (such as the Hydro-CM program) to stimulate regular defecation. Whatever you decide to do, it still would be better for you than going back to fiber, because the next round of recovery may be even more complicated. Plus, keep in mind all those other essential health properties of intestinal flora, as described above.
In some respects, bacterial supplements are very much like prescription eyeglasses—you don't expect them to fix poor eyesight magically but are still darn grateful for being able to see.
Q. Do you recommend liquid probiotic formulas that can be found in health stores?
To find an answer to this question, I have experimented with several brands in the past. Some left me bloated and flatulent for considerable periods, even on a fiber-free diet. Perhaps they'd been just too effective. Or, it's possible that live bacteria from liquid formulas took hold in the upper sections of the small intestine, where they shouldn't be, and called the condition called SIBO, or small intestine bacterial overgrowth. You may require a course of antibiotics to wipe them out if the discomfort becomes unbearable.
It‘s less likely to happen with capsules, such as Enterophilus, because the bacteria in these preparations are sublimated (dried out) into hibernation. They remain "asleep" while "commuting" through the folds of the small intestine. This trip—from the stomach to the large intestine—takes around 24 hours. Once these bacteria reach the relative safety of the blind gut (it has the proper pH and no enzymes to devour them), they finally wake up and get into action.
Q. How can you ship probiotic formulas without damage from high heat to places like Florida or Africa?
Probiotics in capsules aren't as sensitive to temperature variations encountered during storage and shipping as live bacteria because encapsulated formulas are freeze-dried during their manufacture.
Live bacteria are vulnerable to high temperatures because heat causes the expansion of intracellular fluids that burst their cells. It is what sterilization is all about.
In the freeze-drying process, intracellular water is removed by suspending bacteria in a suitable protective medium, then freezing them down, and, finally, exposing them to a vacuum.
After freeze-drying, bacteria are packaged into capsules, sealed inside the bottles, and will not "awaken" until fully rehydrated by the fluids inside your gut.
Works very well, you are a smart man. I have always said you do not want to be doing what most people are doing because most people are doing the wrong thing. I know that sounds weird but you have spelled that theory out well with dumping the fiber. It truly is amazing how the American culture has been led to believe.... Eat More Fiber! Nonsense! I also use your Ageless Enterophilus and that works well too. Thanks!” R.K. (via survey)
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.