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The side effects of Mineral oil

Mineral oil is an odorless mixture of higher alkanes, a type of paraffin. Baby oil is a form of mineral oil, for example, but with a fragrance added to it. Other names for mineral oil include white oil, liquid paraffin and liquid petroleum.

Constipation is a prevalent problem in developed countries like the U.S. and Europe. [1] It is the most common digestive complaint. A person who passes stool less than three times a week may suffer from chronic constipation that is difficult to resolve without some form a laxative like mineral oil.

As a laxative agent, mineral oil acts as a lubricant as opposed to a stool softener or stabilizer. It coats the intestinal lining in order to prevent the absorption of water and to lubricate the walls. When trapped in the intestinal tract, the water helps soften the stool and the lubricant allows it to pass easier through your system until eliminated. Mineral oil is a common remedy for constipation, but one that does come with some limitations, risks and significant side effects.

Mineral oil refinement

There are different forms and grades of mineral oil. Usually, it is a by-product created when refining crude oil to make gasoline. It is produced in large quantities and made in both light and heavy grades.

There are three basic classes of mineral oil [2]:

Laboratories use pure mineral oil for cultures and other related procedures. It also a common ingredient in cosmetics such as baby lotion, cold creams and ointments plus it helps keep eyelashes from becoming brittle. It is effective for removing makeup and temporary tattoos. Mineral oil works as a vaginal lubricant, as well, but may break down the latex on condoms.

Restaurants use a food grade mineral oil to preserve wood fixtures like cutting boards, salad bowls and even utensils. It also helps fill cracks in the wood surface that can harbor bacteria.

Only use mineral oil from the pharmacy as a laxative. If you are unsure, ask the pharmacist if the mineral oil you are purchasing is useful as a laxative. The World Health Organization classifies some forms of this oil as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning it may cause cancer. Even refined mineral oil is listed as a Group 3 carcinogen. This label indicates it probably does not cause cancer, but there is no clinical evidence to support that claim.

Using mineral oil as a short-term laxative

Dosage is critical when using mineral oil as a laxative. An improper dose increases the side effects and discomfort and may lead to overdose. Keep the mineral oil away from children and pets to avoid misuse.

If you overdose on mineral oil, you may experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, and/or dehydration (caused by vomiting or diarrhea).

An overdose does require medical attention, although it is not lethal in a healthy adult unless you ingest more than one quart. If taking the oil under the direction on a physician, follow the dosage instructions carefully. If self-medicating, read the label for dose information. Use a measuring spoon instead of a household spoon to ensure you get the proper dose.

You should only take mineral oil by mouth. It may take up to eight hours for the mineral oil to relieve constipation. If you take it before going to bed, you may have relief by morning. Long Term Use of Mineral Oil Mineral oil is not used to treat any digestive disease or illness – only incomplete or infrequent bowel movements. It should not be taken for more than seven days.

All laxatives including mineral oil are for short-term use only. Taking it for long periods of time can lead to laxative dependency, so you are unable to have a bowel movement without taking something. If you have chronic constipation, it may indicate another problem such as irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer. Taking mineral oil regularly may mask the symptoms and prevent treatment.

Food and drug interactions

Over time, long-term use of mineral oil may impact your nutrition, as well. It may interfere with the absorption of dietary supplements, and specifically fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamins K, E, A, and D, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium [3].

Mineral oil also interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food, so only take it on an empty stomach. It is known to block essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Long-term use may lead to potassium deficiency and affect your heart.

Mineral oil will prevent your body from absorbing medications. You should avoid taking medication for at least two hours after ingesting mineral oil.

Stool softeners will interfere with mineral oil. When taken with a stool softener, the body will absorb the mineral oil instead of allowing it to coat the intestinal tract. You should not take stool softeners and mineral oil together.

When not to use mineral oil

As a laxative, it is only effective for the occasional bout of constipation. You should not take it if you have a digestive disorder or if you are chronically constipated. If one or two doses do not work, contact your doctor.

You should not take mineral oil if [4]:

Talk to your doctor before using mineral oil if you [5]:

Mineral oil may limit the absorption of vitamin K and thicken blood abnormally. You should not take it if you are on blood thinners or if you have a blood disease like hemophilia.

Tell your doctor if you have taken mineral oil before surgery or any medical procedure as it may lead to excess bleeding. Taking mineral oil as a laxative after surgery may delay the healing of postoperative wounds, especially around the anorectal area. Consult your doctor before using mineral oil orally if you are having or have had surgery.

Who can take mineral oil

Mineral oil is not meant for children under the age of six or for the elderly, especially if they are bedridden. It impacts healing and may increase the risk of bedsores and other ulcerations.

Mineral oil side effects

The most common side effect from mineral oil is rectal leakage, especially when taken chronically or in high doses. This leakage may damage clothes and cause skin irritation around the anus.

Allergic reactions to mineral oil are rare, but there may be inactive ingredients that trigger allergies. If you have allergies, check the label before using the mineral oil. Signs of an allergic reaction may include hives, skin rash, itching, swelling around the face, tongue or throat, dizziness and difficulty breathing [6].

A severe allergic reaction is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

A persistent cough may indicate a rare but potentially dangerous side effect from using mineral oil. Frequent use can cause some of the oil has entered the lungs leading to lipid pneumonitis and inflammation.
