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Does stress cause constipation and why?

Chronic and sporadic stress disrupt regular bowel movements and contribute to constipation. Adding fiber, fluids, and laxatives to alleviate constipation makes it worse, and perpetuates stress even more. The information on this page will help you break this vicious cycle.


Yes, it does, and very significantly.

All of the above equally applies to infants, toddlers, children, adults, and particularly to seniors, who are already affected by many other problems related to constipation.

Sorry, I can‘t help you to reduce stress, but eliminating constipation certainly will take the brunt of it!

To learn more about the connection between stress and constipation, and how to prevent or reverse stress-related constipation, please visit this page for additional information.

Good luck!

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Stress tends to recede and go away, but not constipation. Once it hits you, it tends to linger for the rest of your life, and to get more severe with each passing year for reasons I explain on The Bulls' S..t In The China Shop page.

Here is what you can do to prevent this from happening to you:

If am not big fun of 'fixing' up stress with neither pharmaceuticals nor nutraceuticals, because these substances either numb your mind, or to mask the side-effects of stress, while the stress itself and your responses to it remains unchanged. On top, almost all of these 'remedies' suppress involuntary muscle control and nerve function — the two functions absolutely critical for having regular and unassisted bowel movements.

It is a well-established fact that some people respond to exact same stressful event less or not at all, while some — a great deal stronger.  This means that it isn't the stress event alone that is the sole culprit behind health-related problems, but the ways your mind processes it.

A good example is your perception of encountering a police cruiser while driving. If you aren't speeding, running the red light, or driving without insurance, you are only happy to see the caps watching out for your safety. If, on the other hand, you are guilty of any of the above infraction, you are likely experiencing a knot in the gut — a common adjunct of stressful events. Same trigger, different circumstances, and a completely opposite mental reaction.

Obviously, it is best to avoid infraction of any kind. Since it isn't always possible — you don't chose a boss who is a jerk, or anticipate a late plane, or a crying child aboard, or a stolen laptop,  — God, these things are endless, — you may as well train your mind to process stress events without destroying yourself in the process. This skill will not only protect your heart and mind from accelerated wear-and-tear, but also your bowels.

How do you do this kind of training? Well, you may try getting yourself enrolled into the CIA or KGB program for spies, and they'll teach you mind conditioning techniques by essentially, exposing you repeatedly to high stress events, and desynthesizing your perceptions and reactions. Their approach is crude, but effective, especially for young recruits. 

If you are too old for that, or fail the admission test, or don't have the appetite for the James Bond's lifestyle, enroll yourself into the yoga class, and learn conscious mind control through breathing, mediation, relaxation, and thought-vectoring techniques.

If you are a good, diligent student, you may discover the nirvana in the bathroom even without my help. And if not, then click here.

Good luck,

Konstantin Monastyrsky